E-Commerce, M-commerce and C-Commerce (Community / Social) rule this platform, with a choice of cleverly designed social, digital & E Mag

Via You Tube, App and if its strong enough, Amazon Prime worldwide, 4 Cam support & editing team on the radar for whatever you need

With a cool 3 million listenership worldwide, Live broadcasts, genre shows, take over shows and On Demand via the Net, Apple, Amazon and App round the Globe

HRH Mag and HRH Bible App, Online, quarterly print, E- Mag, App straight to the HRH Community. HRH Bible App features, TV, Radio, Mag and Events

You have now reached the HRH Media Hub

Welcome to the HRH Media Hub, where you witness HRH opening up all its platforms to help you reach a target audience in a new multi channel approach. Whether you are a band, label, promoter, venue or just someone who needs to communicate something that fits into the HRH Community’s Lifestyle then we’re sure we can tailor make something to meet and exceed your requirements. Everything we do with HRH have our own in house algorithms “deep mining” to ensure you don’t get blinded by the size of someones database but more so reach the exact market in a fraction of the time with increased ROI.
The HRH Press office and the new label services offered by OYR Label services are all integrated and part of the HRH Media Hub, so WHATEVER your needs, give us a shout and let’s see what we can do for you . Everything is trackable which should help making your new audience a reality.